Call for Papers - Special Issue of "Human-Centered Security, Privacy and Trust"

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Call for papers - Special issue of "Human-Centered Security, Privacy and Trust"

December 13, 2024
Updated on February 19, 2025
Editorial Committee of the Journal of Information Processing

Journal of Information Processing (JIP) is pleased to announce the call for papers for a special issue of "Human-Centered Security, Privacy and Trust".
We invite submissions to the special issue "Human-Centered Security, Privacy and Trust," focusing on research that adopts a human-centered approach to information security, privacy, and trust, rather than solely offering technological solutions. This special issue seeks papers that explore the usability and human factors involved in the adoption and implementation of information security technologies, such as cryptographic applications and privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs). We also welcome research that examines interaction design, collaborative systems, and computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) related to security and privacy, as well as studies that contribute to the formation of new paradigms of trust in the context of a digital society.
Submissions from a wide range of fields, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, Virtual Reality, Data Science, Media Communication, Service Design, Ethics and Legal, or papers that have the potential for application to such a kind of fields are encouraged. Through the research of each technology, this special issue aims to discuss the relationship between society and the technologies required in the digital society, including ELSI (Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues).
The purpose of this Special Feature is to publish SoK (Systematization of Knowledge) papers in addition to research papers. SoK papers are evaluated with a different review policy than research papers. Please refer to for the review policy. Original papers, as well as papers that have been presented at domestic and international workshops, symposiums, and conferences, will be welcomed.
Journal of Information Processing (JIP) is currently encouraging more submissions from outside of Japan.
The publication fee of any accepted papers will not be charged if all the authors of the paper belong to institutes outside Japan.

Submission Guidelines

(1) All papers must be submitted electronically. Please prefix the title of these papers with “SoK:” when you submit an SoK paper. Please access the following URL and proceed under the submission instructions:

Once you have submitted your manuscript, you cannot change it.
So, you must submit the final version of your manuscript.
If, by mistake, you submitted a wrong version, please contact the IPSJ secretariat <>(Replace -at- with @).

In the event you would like to make a submission, you must first create an account on the paper submission Web page. For detailed information, please refer to the manual available from the link “Instructions & Forms” at the top of the submission page.

If your paper is not strongly related to the theme of this special issue, please consider submitting it to a regular issue in order to receive more appropriate peer review comments.

(2) All papers will be reviewed. The review process will be carried out in the same manner as regular issues. However, you have shorter time than usual (eight weeks) for preparation of your responses to inquiries.

(3) Submission deadline is February 25, 2025 March 7, 2025. *Deadline extended

(4) The special issue will be published on the J-Stage website in December 2025. Preprint will be published on the IPSJ Journal in December 2025.

(5) The editorial committee of this special issue
Editor in-Chief: Takahito SAKAMOTO (Shizuoka Univ.)
Editorial Board Member: Shigeyoshi SHIMA (Univ. of Nagasaki), Ayako HASEGAWA (NICT)
Editorial Committee Members: Midori INABA (Institute of Information Security), Atsuo INOMATA (Osaka Univ.), Tetsutaro UEHARA (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Tetsushi OHKI (Shizuoka Univ.), Ryuichi OGAWA (IPA), Kanayo OGURA (Iwate Prefectural Univ.), Fumihiro KANAI (NTT Communications), Akira KANAOKA (Toho Univ.), Sachiko KANAMORI (NICT), Yuichi KOMANO (Chiba Institute of Technology), Hidehito GOMI (LY Corp.), Yukiko SAWAYA (KDDI Research), Masue SHIBA (Toshiba), Masaki SHIMAOKA (SECOM), Yoshiaki SHIRAISHI (Kobe Univ.), Yuji SUGA (IIJ), Tetsuji TAKADA (Univ. of Electro-Communications), Yukiyasu TSUNOO (Tokyo Online Univ.), Masato TERADA (Tokyo Denki Univ.), Masakatsu NISHIGAKI (Shizuoka Univ.), Takashi HATASHIMA (NTT), Akira FUJITA (NICT), Masashiro FUJITA (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation), Kanta MATSUURA (Univ. of Tokyo), Yuko MURAYAMA (Tsuda College), Koichi MOURI (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Nariyoshi YAMAI (Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology), Rei YAMAGISHI (Hitachi), Akira YAMADA (Kobe Univ.)

(6) Ethical considerations
If you have any concerns about research ethics in relation to your paper on human subjects or cyber security research, please refer to the following references.


A Systematic Literature Review of Empirical Methods and Risk Representation in Usable Privacy and Security Research

Checklist for ethical considerations in cybersecurity research

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