Call for Papers - Special Issue of "Spoken Document Processing"
Call for papers - Special issue of "Spoken Document Processing"
Editorial Committee of the Journal of Information Processing
Journal of Information Processing (JIP) is pleased to announce the call for papers for a special issue of "Spoken Document Processing".
We invite you to submit original papers in any related area, including database, speech recognition, speech understanding, acoustic model, language model, spoken document retrieval, spoken term detection, summarization dialog system, translation, and application. The spoken documenet include lecture, conference, broadcast, and dialog. Submitted papers will be reviewed under "guest editor system" of IPSJ.
Journal of Information Processing (JIP) is currently encouraging more submissions from outside of Japan.
Any papers electronically submitted to JIP before July 31, 2012 are free of publication charge when accepted.
Submission Guidelines
(1) All papers must be submitted electronically. Please access the following URL and proceed under the submission instructions:
*Note that this URL is for English papers only.
If you plan to submit a paper in Japanese, please visit another page at
(2) All papers will be reviewed. The review process will be carried out in the same manner as regular issues. However, you have shorter time than usual (two months) for preparation of your responses to inquiries.
(3) Submission deadline is May 31, 2012.
(4) The special issue will be published on the J-Stage website in April, 2013. Preprint will be published on the IPSJ Journal in February, 2013.
(5) The Editorial Committee of This Special Issue
Editor in-Chief: Seiichi NAKAGAWA (Toyohashi Univ. of Technology)
Editorial Board: Tomoyosi AKIBA (Toyohashi Univ. of Technology), Kazunori KOMATANI (Nagoya Univ.)
Editorial Committee: Kiyoaki AIKAWA (Tokyo Univ. of Technology), Yoshiaki ITOH (Iwate Prefectural Univ.), Koji IWANO (Tokyo City Univ.), Akinori ITO (Tohoku Univ.), Tatsuya KAWAHARA (Kyoto Univ.), Munehiko SASAJIMA (Osaka Univ.), Hiroaki NANJO (Ryukoku Univ.), Hiromitsu NISHIZAKI (Univ. of Yamanashi), Xinhui HU (NICT/ATR), Tomoko MATSUI (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics), Kiyokazu MIKI (NEC Corp.), Yoichi YAMASHITA (Ritsumeikan Univ.)